
by tanabe on March 24, 2005

CNET NEWS.COMで米YahooによるFlickrの買収についての考察記事が出ていた。これが非常に面白い内容。

NDO::Weblogさんでも「Yahoo! が Flickr を買収」というエントリがありますが、

Flickr の買収は何百万人もの Yahoo! Photo のユーザーを Flickr に流し込むとか囲い込み戦略のためとかではなく、Yahoo! の中に Flickrized されるべきポイントがたくさんある....などなど。

Jeremy 氏は Flickr の重要なところは、それがサービスとしてはユーザーに、プラットフォームとしてはデベロッパーにフレンドリーであるという Web 2.0 っぽいところだと以前にコメントしていて、彼が言う Yahoo! の "Flickrized" というのはそういうことなのかな、と。先日 YST が Search API を公開したりしてますし、開発者巻き込み型の方向性に力を入れていくのだとうことを示唆しているようにも思います。

CNETの考察記事は、naoya氏の指摘とは少し違った面での「Yahoo! の中の Flickrized されるべきポイント」を伝えているように思います。

CNET NEWS.COMより「Yahoo's game of photo tag

Finding information in the vast and expanding sea of data online is one of the biggest problems to crack. Creating metadata, or tags, for describing files has long been thought of as a solution for hunting down a range of files on the Web, PCs and intranets, but it has remained an elusive goal. That could explain why tapping Web users' desire to create addictive services or communities is an attractive solution.


In a sense, Yahoo is returning to its roots with Flickr. In 1995, Yahoo's co-founders started the site as a way to keep track of their favorite Web pages, and eventually built a massive hierarchical Web directory. Only in the last couple of years has Yahoo put its directory on the backburner in favor of pure search technology. With Flickr, the company is investing in technology that lets people build their own personalized directories.


Yahoo itself said that digital photography was secondary to its decision to buy Flickr. More important is Flickr's technology and founding team who "get it," said Yahoo spokeswoman Joanna Stevens.

"Flickr's strength are complimentary to Yahoo's goals for creating next-generation services," Stevens said.


Much of Web search originated with directories. The Open Directory, for example, started in the mid-1990s as an open-source project that enlisted volunteers to act as editors, controlling the categorization and hierarchy of new Web pages. But as the project grew, it became unwieldy to force everyone to tag the same way.


In contrast to the open-source altruism of the Open Directory, Flickr and Web bookmarks manager have appealed to people's selfish side. With, people tag Web pages to create their own personalized record so that they can return to them later. People are encouraged to tag files properly so that they can keep their files organized.

"Anytime you navigate a sea of data, you're going to need something better than search. You need many more dimensions to navigate the data," said Joshua Schachter, founder of

"The tags provide more traction to navigate the world," he added.




A key byproduct of free tagging for search would be a visitor loyalty coveted by all the providers. As many researchers point out, the cost to switch search engines is nothing, compared with instant messaging technologies, e-mail, or applications that carry what's called "the network effect." That's why all of the search players are introducing new downloadable tools for PC search.

"The big question is, are any of these technologies that are capable of improving search, capable of creating the network effect? If so, then people can't switch out of it," Guha said.

"The key question," Guha said, "is can Flickr give Yahoo Search the network effect?"
