CNET NEWS.COMから。「IBM taking open source on world tour」
"BRIC" nations: Brazil, Russia, India and China でのビジネス展開に関する記事。IBMの戦略が興味深い。
CNET NEWS.COMから。「IBM taking open source on world tour」
"BRIC" nations: Brazil, Russia, India and China でのビジネス展開に関する記事。IBMの戦略が興味深い。
Most of these programs follow the same general outline. The multinational companies try to jump-start local Silicon Valley-type hotbeds of tech activity, in the hopes of one day turning a region into the next China.
IBM's strategy differs slightly. The company is not primarily interested in selling services or software to local markets. Instead, it wants to identify and groom local talent that, ideally, will develop technology that IBM can then sell to its mostly existing customers in developed nations, Clark said.
The multinational companiesは、Microsoft, Intel, Hewlett-Packard and Advanced Micro Devices のこと。
IBM may buy some of the companies it helps foster, but most of them become members of Big Blue's partnership program.
Unlike Intel, IBM does not invest in local companies. However, it partners with U.S. ventures that do, such as Draper Fisher Jurvetson.